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The Other Brother: A Supernatural Thriller by Brandon Massey - Kindle Edition

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Good fortune has smiled upon Gabriel Reid since the day he was born. Blessed with a loving family, educated in the finest schools, he was given a vice-president position in his father's successful construction business in Atlanta upon graduation. Engaged to a smart, beautiful woman and standing to inherit the CEO mantle, Gabriel's got it all. But he’s about to meet someone who could change everything...

Raised on the mean streets of Chicago, Isaiah Battle refused to succumb to the violence that claimed others in his neighborhood. He forged his own identity from various influences, relying on his strength of character in the face of adversity.

Now Isaiah has come to Atlanta to claim his birthright--as Gabriel's half-brother from their father's extramarital affair. The news threatens to tear the Reid family apart as they struggle to accept the stranger among them. But Isaiah, talented in ways no one ever imagined, wants much more than acceptance. He wants what he believes is rightfully his: everything Gabriel has.

And he'll let nothing stand in his way...

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